Wednesday, November 19, 2008

conversations and dead insects

i killed a bug today. it was by accident. i was walking and stepped on it. i was watching the little creature walk along, thinking to myself, hey, you should be careful so as to not step on that little thing... and then i stepped on it because the velocity at which my foot was falling to the ground and the time it took for my brain to send the message to my foot were off... and a life was lost.

i also got to talk to a dear friend of mine, one i haven't talked to in quite some time,  over the phone. i kind of suck on the phone. but talking to aaron reminded me of the beauty of technology, and how grateful i am to be able to talk to my friends who are so far away.
if you're reading this, and we're friends, i apologise for my lack of communication. i suck over the phone, and often in person. i'm not very good at taking time to email people, or facebook them, or even do the skype thing.

i'm working on it, but let's be honest, i get lost in other worlds, and sometimes forget how to live in this one. (by this one, i mean the one outside of blog world and the one that my hands and feet and lungs are existing in, while this blog version of me is simply a franchised version of myself...)

on that note, i'm off to the world of dreams and sleep.

dreamer, where are you off to? 
i'm off to life! where else would i go.
nowhere, you would stay here with me and be content, exclaimed the muse.

i have to leave, but i'm sure we'll meet each other again, sometime soon.
over and out good buddy.

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