Tuesday, April 15, 2008

the boy who noticed:
the possibility that precariously placed pockets
containing moist, broken leaf bits might procure
a pleasant smile and a confirmation of one's

childlike behavior

is like the corner of a dream

it's not one billion to one
it's more like clouds to a vintage tea set
found in a waste-bin

it's wonderful
it smells like fresh-cut grass or
dew on a flower in the warmth of the sun
on a cool clear morning.

industry has nothing to do with it.

i was sitting in starbucks, 'doing homework' one morning in December, attempting to get my work completed. due to the early hour, boredom was beginning to set in, so i attempted to find a way to balance my tea bags on the stirring stick between my lap-top and the tall tea mug from which the bags had just been removed.  having been quite successful in my endeavors, i left the bags floating, balanced ever so gently. a boy walked in shortly after and stopped dead in his tracks to take a closer look at the tea bags.  he commented on them saying something to the affect of "that is the best way to store anything. balance everything!" and he was cute. and he smiled. . . and i felt amazing about myself.

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